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Article 4, paragraph 19 of the Paris Agreement and Decision 1/CP.21 of the Conference of the Parties to the Paris Agreement calls for all signatory parties to submit long-term low greenhouse gas emission development strategies before 2020. Currently, countries such as the United States, Canada, and Australia have already submitted their own low-emission development strategies. China is also expected to release its 2050 low-emission development strategy.

In order to further promote research on China's 2050 low-emission development strategy, the China Energy Modeling Forum (CEMF) initiated the thematic research on 'China's Low Emission Development Strategy: Multi-Model Comparative Study' in December 2016. The research focuses on analyzing the midterm targets of the 13th Five-Year Plan and the upcoming 14th Five-Year Plan, exploring long-term goals for low-emission development until 2050 (including non-CO2 greenhouse gases), and constructing a low-emission development pathway that aligns with China's technological and policy requirements.

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